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Founded in 1994, the China Road Safety Association (CRSA) is mainly engaged in disseminating and popularizing knowledge about road traffic safety, advancing and boosting the industry's technology, organizing and carrying out academic exchanges and seminars on road traffic management, formulating and promoting group standards and other social work on road traffic safety, guiding the integrity and self-discipline of the industry, facilitating and developing China's traffic safety cause, and creating a safe, smooth and orderly traffic environment for building a harmonious society.

As a member of the International Road Safety Organization (PRI), CRSA currently operates with over 600 members, including local traffic administration departments of public security, scientific research institutions, colleges and universities, media units, and related enterprises. Since its inauguration, CRSA has actively fulfilled its responsibilities, strengthened social collaboration, leveraged its advantages in mobilizing social forces, and connecting resources from all sides to serve as a platform for the industry. By now, CRSA has successfully held fourteen sessions of the China Road Traffic Safety Products Expo & Traffic Police Equipment Exhibition in Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Hefei, Changsha, Xiamen,etc., as well as four sessions of the China Road Traffic Safety Innovation and Cooperation Conference in Tianjin, Chongqing, Changsha and Xiamen. To promote high-quality development of the industry, CRSA actively guides and develops a number of group standards that meet market and innovation needs, with a total of 68 group standards approved and 23 released.

In order to raise the safety and law-abiding awareness of road traffic participants, CRSA actively advocates road civility, organizes and launches various forms of public welfare activities such as popularizing road safety knowledge in campus and donating road safety facilities and equipment in rural areas.

CRSA hosts and publishes the magazine Road Traffic Management nationwide, which publicizes laws, regulations, and policies of road traffic management, disseminates common sense of road safety, shares experiences in road traffic management, and introduces scientific results and product information in the area.

In the context of a social governance model based on collaboration, participation, and common interests, CRSA, as a social organization, will focus on its responsibilities entrusted by the government, give full play to its role as a bridge to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with all sectors of society, to actively further the modernization of China's road traffic administrative capacity, and to make new contributions to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country by creating a safe and stable environment.




核心价值观:勤勉尽责   求实创新   服务行业   协同共赢
